Toimittaja, kirjoittaja ja copywriter Anna Venejärvi

Finnish freelance journalist and copywriter in Spain

I am Anna Venejärvi, Finnish freelance journalist, copywriter, and SEO-content writer living in Madrid, Spain. As a journalist I have specialized in topics – news as well as human interest stories – concerning Spain. I also work as a travel journalist.
During my 12-year career, I have worked for some of the biggest media newspapers and magazines in Finland. I work primarily in my hometown Madrid and in the Málaga area, Andalucía, which is the most important stronghold for the Finnish community in Spain. I am more than happy to travel to other areas in Spain as well.
I am always on the hunt for interesting stories, projects, and people. Please feel free to contact me with possible work projects you have in mind.

Sharp Finnish copywriter and versatile storyteller

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From 2016 on I have worked as an SEO content writer and copywriter for content agencies and marketing agencies all over the world. I write and edit text primarily in Finnish, but I am fluent also in Spanish and English. As a project manager, I have worked for content projects in various languages.
If you are looking for a talented copywriter or content writer for a project in Finnish or concerning a Finnish client, please get in touch.

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I have a university degree both in Journalism (University of Jyväskylä) and Advertising communication (Carlos III University Madrid).
You can download my complete CV in English from here.


Ota yhteyttä

Palvelen joustavasti erilaisissa viestintätarpeissa, joten ota yhteyttä ja kerro lisää projektistasi tai työmahdollisuudesta Espanjassa, Suomessa tai muualla maailmalla. Työskentelen työnantajille eri puolilla Eurooppaa.